Wondering why, it took me so long to update my post ? It's because of this game, Metal Gear Solid 4.
Upon starting arguably the most anticipated game of 2008, you'll be welcomed with an installation screen boasting an incredibly detailed bust of this tale's protagonist, calmly smoking cigarette after cigarette, coupled with the various health warnings that usually take up space in the manual, or the back of the case. After the initial install, which takes approximately 8 minutes, you're thrown into the first of many amazingly directed cutscenes. The seemingly slow start does a great job at setting the scene for a non-stop thrill-ride experience, burrowing ever deeper into the story of the MGS universe.
Along the way, you'll be treated with the chance to remind yourself of the back story of the Metal Gear Solid saga, with button-presses during cutscenes triggering flashbacks, and given that MGS4 has such a legendary series behind it, this game does a brilliant job at evoking a sense of nostalgia that no other modern game, of my knowledge, has managed to accomplish.
In an attempt to keep this review spoiler-free, I'll keep the name of a 'certain key location' from Snake's past under wraps, but going back there is, undoubtedly, one of the best things that could happen to long-time fans of the series.
Fans of the series that were longing for all the loose ends to be tied up will not be disappointed. The game is, however, not without it's usual accompaniment of plot twists, and even in this game alone, manages to create more loose ends, and tie them up by the time the experience comes to an end. Every surviving character from previous games of the series is brought back to have their story fulfilled, and new characters, such as the new members of Rat Patrol and the Beauty and the Beast unit, make for a truly memorable, immersing, video gaming experience.
The gameplay has had a few changes applied to it, which may take some getting used to for veterans of the series, but shouldn't prove to be an obstacle, as the story will be sure to make you persist through the campaign.
Shooting can now be taken care of via an 'over-the-shoulder' camera, similar to Resident Evil 4, Gears of War, or Dark Sector, or by aiming down the sights of the various weapons of the huge arsenal made available to you by either collecting them from the battlefield, or by your friendly neighborhood gun launderer, Drebin. His shop can be accessed at any time via the pause menu, and offers items such as ammo, playboy magazines, new weapons, weapon upgrades and customization, and the unlocking of ID-Tagged weapons that you find on the battlefield.
The OctoCamo system is a new addition that avoids the fuss of the camouflage menus of MGS3. OctoCamo adapts to the environment that you are in. If you lie still, or are flattened still against a wall or object, the camouflage will adjust to the texture that you are against, making it possible to sometimes hide in plain view.
You are also reminded to pay attention to the new Psyche and Stress gauges. These both have an impact on how you perform during combat. If your stress rises to 100%, you will experience a 'Combat High', which, while benefitting for a period of time, has a negative impact on your abilities as soon as your stress drops again, resulting in shaky hands while aiming.
Graphically, this is one groundbreaking game. I found myself constantly thinking; "There is a game that can finally take the graphics crown from Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.". The cutscenes often end with them blending seamlessly back into gameplay, reminding you of just how stunning the game engine behind this incredible title is. The lighting, while over the top and 'movie-like', takes a more realistic stance than that of other game engines such as the Unreal Engine, and often fooled me into thinking that some of the scenes were acted out by real people.
The sound effects in this title are easily on a higher level than any other game out there. The voice acting puts many movies to shame, with the game's actors putting on a moving, emotive performance. The sound effects are best heard through a surround sound system, as they are nothing short of spectacular.
Last note on this Games:
This game is simply a perfectly executed package, and a true testament to the potential of the PlayStation 3's hardware, and the creative genius of Hideo Kojima and his team. As much as I hate to see this series come to an end, after seeing the battle waged by Snake in his final chapter, I believe Snake has earned his rest, and received a fitting send off in what I believe is the best videogame of all time.
Farewell, Solid Snake.