We just saw the movie, The Mummy : Tomb of the Emperor Dragon yesterday. My family and I have been fans of the series since the beginning cause it was just like an Indiana Jones movie because Indy have been missing in action when the first Mummy was released.
Rick O'Connell kid is already a grown up and this time the country is in China. Jet Li plays a power hungry emperor who will get whatever he wants at all cost.
The action sequences are superb, brilliantly paced by director Rob Cohen. The effects are top notch except for the three headed dragon. The three headed dragon looks like a cartoon.
The Mummy 3 is a roller coaster ride from start to finish just like the first two, this one is a good addition to the series.
Looks like Rick O'Connell is passing the torch to his son, Alex O'Connell played by Luke Ford.
It seems that we have a brewing rivalry between Alex O'Connel and Mutt Williams ( Indiana Jones son ) in the future when their dad retires.
One great mistake in this movie is not casting Rachel Weisz back. Maria Bello maybe pretty but I love Rachel Weisz more, besides Rachel is more beautiful and sexier.Maria Bello's version is an overkill of the character.
If you're looking for fun and enjoyment, this one's for you.
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