Syphon Filter Logan's Shadow is the heart-pounding sequel to the award winning Dark Mirror. You play as Special Agent Gabe Logan, and during a mission to capture a lethal weapon; you uncover some secrets, and learn that you can't trust anyone.
With your partner missing, you set out in hope to find her, while trying to stop the agency you work for to become corrupt.
Syphon Filter Logan's Shadow is presented incredibly well, with nearly no bugs or glitches to speak of, a very sleek and neat looking menu, which is easy to navigate and short loading times. Top work.
With some of the best graphics for the PSP to date, Logan's Shadow pushes the PSP's capabilities very hard. The in-game graphics are very good, with no framerate problems or slowdown, but the character models could do with a bit of work, well from a distance anyway. Enemies that are far away look similar to the poor quality that distant ones that Medal Of Honour has. But don't be fooled, Logan's Shadow still offers a very nice and detailed environment. The only slightly disappointing thing is that the online graphics are not quite up to par with the Single Player's, but no biggie.
The movie graphics are another story, they are absolutely incredible, a visual feat on the PSP. They are either equal or very close to the best-looking PS2 games movie graphics.
There are also no glitches to speak of… well at least during my 50+ hours of playing the game, I haven't found any.
Superb voice acting, and is very close quality with some PS3 games. But the guns don't sound like real guns; they sound more like a little kids toy, which is disappointing. But the noises of when the player moves around is spot on. And this all stays the same while online.
If you have played Dark Mirror, then you will be familiar with the controls, but this time round, Gabe has a few new tricks up his sleeve, including being able to do blind fire and… well I don't want to spoil it for you, so play it and find out. Logan's Shadow offers up pretty much the same experience as Dark Mirror did, but with a few changes. That's not saying that it is a bad thing though, it is still very fun to play. The only big let down here is the very confusing storyline, where you en up wondering which side you are on, good or bad.
Now time to move onto Multiplayer, Logan's Shadow's Multiplayer is again similar to that of Dark Mirror, but this time round it also has a free demo of Syphon Filter Combat Ops, which is a Multiplayer game only, where you can create your own maps, chose where to put guns, crates, barrels, ladders and zip lines, but the actual creation of the maps is very limited, but that's because it is only a demo.
Lasting Appeal
The campaign will last you around 7 hours, but you can always go back to unlock new guns and equipment, which will add another 5-12 hours, depending on how you approach it. Then there is also the very fun Multiplayer that should last for months. And if all that isn't enough, why not have a play around with Combat Ops and test the maps that you create.
All up, Logan's Shadow succeeds at almost everything it tries , making it the best shooter on the PSP, period.
Lets hope that Gabe's next instalment is as fun and challenging as this one was.
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