It has been nineteen years since we last the wisecracking and daredevil archaeologist Indiana Jones in the big screen. I was still in first year high school when The Last Crusade was shown.
Now that I have a family of my own, It's time to introduce my kid to my Idol. Yesterday, I brought along my family to watch it and my son was excited to see Indiana Jones on the big screen for the first time. Harrison Ford may have grown old , but still got that killer moves that makes him an Icon. He is my favorite actor since watching him in the Temple of Doom.
All the Indiana Jones elements are still in this film. Action, Adventure,Comedy. Name it,you got it. Steven Spielberg still directs it amazingly.
The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull starts off with Indiana Jones being held by the Russians who managed to sneak into the warehouse of the Top Secret Facility of the U.S. Government. The Lost Ark of the Covenant have a brief cameo appearance here, so keep your eyes very closed.
From then on it was a roller coaster ride, Tug of war for the Crystal Skull as to who can bring it back to where it rightfully belongs. It's a fast paced film so don't blink at all, you don't wanna miss highlights after highlights.
There are three things that I noticed here unlike in the three previous film.
First is the Location. I don't know if George Lucas and Co. are on a budget. Only two countries are shown here,US and Peru unlike the first three its an around the world adventure.
Second, too much CGI especially the cliff scene and the Aztec Pyramid. It was too obvious that it was CGI. You cannot see the natural light of the Sun. I guess no one can replace it. The first three was full of beautiful scenery like Egypt,Italy, India and Hong Kong.In the three previous films,you can see the natural beauty of the SUN.
And last, Indiana Jones used to looked for religious artifacts, but now Aliens. Aliens have been touted here as the Gods of the Aztec civilization. This maybe its weakest point,making it the less realistic among the series. Unless of course you believe in Aliens.
Its like Indiana Jones crossing over the Star Wars world.
But nevertheless, nineteen years is worth for the wait. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is an enjoyable movie from start to finish. Bring your kids along to see it in the Big Screen.