I don't understand what hype means apparently. Because as far as I know the hype meter and marketing has always been down low with Frontlines: Fuel of War. Thats why when you hear someone ask, what in the world is FFOW? You can't help but realize that Kaos Studios has developed in all its glory, a sleeping giant.
Now this goes to show that the game does have it flaws, like any on release. It won't be perfect, as a matter of fact theres a lot. Plenty enough to keep the mosquito's biting and the press running in circles screaming bloody mary, how dare they make a battlefield rip.
Well the producers of the Desert Conflict mod in 1942 have done much more, in a very unique way. Ultimately to diminish the scattered back stabbings that caused the BF series to be hectic in nature, into a more organized, strategical front that allows a frontal war and exhilarating experience.
The Bads:
1) I had one hell of a time installing the game. This whopping 9 gig double whopper on 2 dvd discs came at a costly 20 minute install. Only to realize I couldnt play the game because it kept crashing to desktop. Apparently many others have this issue and a fix is being looked upon. HOWEVER, 90% is guaranteed to be the problem of that of the player.
By simply updating my drivers, reinstalling to a separate directory and turning off my background tasks on install, I was able to play fine. Great, posted my solution to the community boards.
1) I had one hell of a time installing the game. This whopping 9 gig double whopper on 2 dvd discs came at a costly 20 minute install. Only to realize I couldnt play the game because it kept crashing to desktop. Apparently many others have this issue and a fix is being looked upon. HOWEVER, 90% is guaranteed to be the problem of that of the player.
By simply updating my drivers, reinstalling to a separate directory and turning off my background tasks on install, I was able to play fine. Great, posted my solution to the community boards.
2) Balance: Some balance issues that I see need addressed. The assault grenade launcher (noob tube) seems to be the most widely form of insta-kills on the battlefield bar none. I admit i've relied on it. While it is very important to have, I believe its effectiveness should be altered. Maybe a larger splash damage with less damage to flush out those campers, or to wipe out a group thats had enough of their share and wounds
Balance: Aerial: I can't seem to kill anything in the air with a plane. Its fun, but tough to get used to. Maybe its just me.
Balance: Helicopter: The controls are funky to me, A and D to yaw and Mouse to roll? Little ackward, we should be able to switch these keys but can't.
Controls: The Invert land vehicles for the mouse is bugged. It wont invert, where as I actually do play inverted.
Controls: The Invert land vehicles for the mouse is bugged. It wont invert, where as I actually do play inverted.
Graphics: Seems to be annoying hitches whenever you jump into foliage, or certain bumpy terrain. I keep tripping over these things. Maybe I need to change my boots?
Sound: Couple loop bugs.
Sound: Couple loop bugs.
Server list: We need to let go of the roids, nuff said.
1) Gameplay: It kicks ass, never have I had such an awesome experience in a full 64 player server. Now that is what battlefield could not do, pitting a frontal battle that is a non gun and run, strategical frontal game of chess and placement. You have to utilize every class to its maximum extent to survive and that, is what its all about.
2) Graphics: Whoever says the graphics suck really need to get with the times and get themselves at least an 8800 GTS. Because thats what im running and on very high. I'd like to say im very pleased with the graphics, explosions, details, foliage, fogs, destructible environments, vehicles, soldiers, weapons, etc etc etc.
For a game that throws 64 human beings at eachother in teh internetz lawl, you can't expect Crysis graphics.
For a game that throws 64 human beings at eachother in teh internetz lawl, you can't expect Crysis graphics.
3) Multiplayer: The sheer immersion is enough to make you bake a cake in your seat while screaming "oh sh**!!"
4) Dev's: Usually I don't include dev's in the game because you dont see them in the game, but my how they have a mighty role in what the game turns out to be. I'd like to say these are the first dev's i've ever seen stay in such close contact with the community and actually listen, making changes and testing various abilities based on recommendations from public majority. Incredible team and I am 100% positive they will continue to shape this game to perfection.
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