Sunday, November 29, 2009
Ever Heard of Hydrocodone Addiction ?
I know that there are a lot of people who suffers from Hydrocodone Addiction, I even heard that several celebrities suffers from this addiction.
Although most of them are Americans who can afford these pain medication, I believe that most Filipinos rarely have a pain medication addiction because of the high prices of medicines in the Philippines.
So if you would like to know more about Hydrocodone Addiction try visiting http://hydrocodoneaddictionhelp.com
Hydrocodone Addiction Help
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Moving Out ?
HTTP://WWW.RELIANCERELOCATION is just a click away.As you can see they offer the convenience of moving without the hassle on your part. Wouldn't it be great moving to your new place without ever worrying about your things because Reliance Relocation will handle just all of that.
Their offer is not only for individuals but also for Business, so if you are looking for some moving services for your new office, why not try http://www.reliancerelocation.com, I bet that this one is the one you can rely. It's in the name,http://www.reliancerelocation.com is the one you can rely on when relocating.
Remember it's just a click away, click here for more info.
Happy Relocatin !!!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Catch Wolverine's Beginnings

I was supposed to post this last week, but if you still have time try to catch the movie X-Men Origins : Wolverine.
The movie may be a little bit short and doesn't have too much highlight, but it is still worth your money.
The movie does justice to Wolverine's origins. I never knew too much about Wolverine's Beginnings, since I rarely read comic books because they are quite too expensive nowadays. Just knew him from the X-Men cartoons.
I just learned from this movie that Wolverine and Sabretooth are brothers. Sabretooth easily beats Wolverine and broke his claws in one of their fight. Since then Wolverine agree with his former Team Leader, Stryker, to undergo a scientific experiment. This is where he gets his adamantium claws.
Also one of the thing why I like this movie is because of my favorite X-Men made his first live appearance, Gambit. Bad thing though, he only have few scenes. Meanwhile Deadpool is a bad ass here. I won't tell you how Wolverine beat him, just go and see it.
So If I were you, I'll head to the theaters now instead of watching the version which spread across the web, I heard that it was still incomplete and the effects are not yet done.
My only question now is? Where is Stan Lee ? Never saw him on this one. Can anyone tell me, what's up with him.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Pacquiao is Unstoppable!!!!

What was expected to last more than Five Rounds ended in a quick Round 2 victory for Manny Pacquiao.
Ricky Hatton could not survive the onslaught of Manny Pacquiao.
Manny simply knocks Ricky Hatton in the First Round and finally knocking him out in the second round.
Ricky Hatton dirty fight tactics didn't work once again.Remember How Floyd Mayweather Jr knock out Hatton. Lock your enemy and keep punching was the tactic of Ricky Hatton.
Ricky Hatton could not match the blazing speed and the power punch of Manny Pacquiao.
Who's next ? Floyd Mayweather Jr.?
Mayweather just announced his return to the ring with a match with Juan Manuel Marquez which is slated sometime in July.
Let's see who really deserves the title Pound for Pound King.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
PC Express is a BIG DISASTER
Just bought a LCD Monitor last December from PC Express, mainly because my monitor bugged down, I choose that store because of their price.
Okay, I've accepted the fact that it needs to configured. But Lo and Behold a horizontal line appears on the monitor after just two weeks. So I brought it back to them once again, and said that it won't be replace anymore and that it needs to repaired.
What pisses me off is that they told me, that it would be pulled out immediately but after some phone calls, they told me it was only pulled out after four days since the date they promised it will be reurned to its distributor. Looks like some bullshit is happening around here.
If I were you, I wont buy at PC Express anymore. Why ? Because their customer service sucks and their product warranty stinks. Up until now, It will almost be one month and yet the LCD Monitor has not yet been repaired and no follow ups were answered.
If you're looking for some PC or its spare parts, Just don't buy at PC Express anymore. Try Silicon Valley or TCA, their customer service is much better.
Remember, If you don't want to be pissed off, Avoid Buying at PC Express. Or don't be blinded by it's cheap price, because their products seems to be factory defects and just Class B products.
Avoid PC Express !!!!!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
My Top Five Movies of 2008
4.) Kung Fu Panda- Basically this movie is my kid's choice for this year. Po and Company gave a hilarious performance. Could give Shrek a run for his money.
How about you? What's your top five movies of 2008 ? Feel free to comment.